– Operation and Maintenance

必要性・目的 – Necessity, Purpose


Since the operation and maintenance of solar power generation always has various risks, risk management is necessary. By neglecting risk management, there are even cases in which fire, leaks of electricity, etc. occur and cases of reparation and litigation are reached. Also, from a managerial point of view, we will continue to lose power sales profits by leaving out failures, damages, etc there . In addition, it may be subject to punishment if we find that neglecting maintenance due to the enforcement of the revised FIT law.
Nippon Energy Bank will support stable long-term operation of solar power generation system by optimally managing risk for customers based on the abundant experience so far.

メニュー概要 – Menu Overview

Monitoring, Reporting

Periodic Inspection, Troubleshooting

Various Options Menu

– Annual Set Menu


There are various combination plans. Please contact us for more information.

種別 メニュー 詳細内容 頻度
監視サービス アラート監視 PCS監視 常時
定期レポート 報告書 2回/年
発電モニタリング PCSモニタリング 常時
ストリング・モニタリング 常時
オンサイトサービス 障害対応 駆付け 1次・2次
定期点検 発電性能 1回/年
随時サービス パネル清掃 パネル面の清掃 1回/年
除草 敷地内の草刈り 2回/年
除雪 パネル面の積雪除去 随時
オプションメニュー インシデント訪問作業 障害対応以外の現地確認 随時
カメラモニタリング 監視カメラモニタリング 常時
電気主任技術者対応業務 オーナー代行業務 随時
ドローン・アイ モジュールIR検査 随時

メニュー詳細 – Menu Details

定期点検 - Periodic Inspection


It is important to conduct periodic inspections to prevent/suppress power generation performance degradation due to external factors and aged deterioration.

パネル清掃 - Panel Cleaning


Reduced time to 1/3 by self-propelled washing machine, greatly reduced cost. We will clean so that there is no uneven cleaning or wash residue.

ドローンIR検査 - Drone IR Inspection


We will inspect with a drone equipped with an infrared camera. Partial high temperature, cluster anomalies etc, detailed inspection like a Medical checkup X-ray photo can be done.